Monday, November 6, 2023

Most Recent Photos -- Irene & Russ

Our Photos from Our Adventures 

On September 5, we returned from our largest adventure so far -- to the State of
 Washington by way of Missouri, Iowa, South Dakota, and Montana, and Idaho. 
Then to visit family and friends in Oregon and Idaho before returning to our 
home in Kansas by way of Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma,
and Kansas. Photos taken on our trip are now posted. 
We are now beginning to focus on Fall color photos.
After a long "silence," we are again taking photos during our drives. 
Other recent photos are posted below and dated.

Monday, May 1, 2023

May Photos -- Irene and Russ

Irene and I continue to take photos with our phones, only now we have Google Pixel 7 Pro phones that have even more wonderful cameras and editing features. We are so thankful for the phones that we used for our last sets of photos. We hope you enjoy the photos and videos.

Spring Photos - Irene & Russ

We welcome your company on our adventures via photographs. Powell Gardens (our photos) Orchid Delirium  2025 Powell Gardens (Irene) March 22...